Language for work
This is a new challenge for LIM: Italian language for work. Effective communication in the workplace is fundamental. The projects are aimed at foreign workers and professionals and can be activated by those directly involved or by companies wishing to train their staff.
What is language for Work?
Language for Work is a European initiative that aims to help adult immigrant citizens to develop work-related language skills.
The following texts are largely taken from the manual made available by Language for Work in several languages: Language for Work - A Quick Guide. How to help adult migrants develop work-related language skills? From the Language for Work - Tools for professional development project, which is part of the 2016-19 program of the European Centre for Modern Languages, Languages at the heart of learning. Authors: Alexander Braddell (United Kingdom), Matilde Grünhage-Monetti (Germany, project coordinator), Christophe Portefin (France) and Kerstin Sjösvärd (Sweden).
Language for work: a new teaching area for LIM
Language for work is a relatively new teaching area for Lingua Italiana Marche. From a meeting with Matilde Grünhage-Monetti, coordinator of the Language for Work project, of the European Centre for Modern Languages, a more concrete approach to this area of language teaching was born.
LIM has already experimented in part with teaching methods based on experience and sharing, on the use of the second language to communicate in the implementation of different activities, outside the formal language course, such as in the weekly experience initiatives.
Why this page?
The intent of this page is to start a process with the involvement of other teachers of Italian L2/LS with the aim of developing a teaching project valid for the realities of the world of migrant/foreigner work in the regions and countries where we operate. The project will be the basis of proposals to be submitted to the attention of public institutions, companies, centers for the assistance of migrant workers.
Ask for Italian language for Work projects
For evaluation of Italian language for Work teaching projects or to share ideas and experiences, please contact LIM through the button included in the header of this page.
Language skills at work
- understand what one's rights and responsibilities are
- talk about your work schedule/ talk about one's work tasks
- process and communicate information/ making reports, both oral and in written
- receive and carry out oral and written instructions
- cooperate with others, e.g.
- making suggestions
- offer help / asking for help
- giving and receiving feedback
- dealing with customers …and much more!
What level of language skills for work do immigrants need?
In some countries, to comply with health and safety laws that apply to all trades and professions, communicative competence corresponding to level B1 of the CEFR1 is generally required, regardless of the communicative requirements of the individual job. This is also true of national quality standards and specific regulations pertaining to certain sectors such as social and health care.
Ways to help immigrants develop language skills for work
There are different ways to help immigrants develop language skills for work, among them:
formal education
peer support groups
Provision of learning resources
Learning a language by using it to interact
We learn a new language primarily by interacting through it. Formal education can be a great help but is not sufficient in itself. We gain proficiency by using language to communicate in real-life situations.