Reading groups
Reading and commenting of selected italian novels, with comprehension activities and spots on the language.
In person or on line: who this activity is for.
“Ami” by Edoardo Erba - Reading group 2021
Have you ever tried to read a novel or a short story in Italian? Maybe you think it is hard, but we can do it together. It will be a new challenge, full of interesting things.
Reading fiction means getting in touch with the most intimate aspects of the Italians' character and their cultural roots, their moods, their way of seeing the world.
Guided reading is accompanied by exercises to deepen comprehension, grammatical aspects, increase vocabulary, and improve the structures of communication.
Linguistic and cultural goals;
Expansion of vocabulary
Deepening of knowledge of the Italian spirit, of the way of feeling and seeing reality and human relationships;
Development of comprehension skills
Development of autonomous linguistic analysis
Development of oral and written production skills
Development of debating skills
Per person:
30,00 EUR/Hour for individual
15 EUR/Hour for couple/
12,50 EUR/hour for groups (6 max).
Reading organization
Together we choose a reading that suits our abilities, interests, curiosity.Based on the table of contents, we divide the chapters into short subchapters (or otherwise based on our goals)
Each participant will read their own subchapter or specific part (or character's part). Otherwise, we will rotate.
Tutor introduces the reading with a presentation of the text and chapters, to outline the context, the setting, the psychological climate; the relevant linguistic aspects to focusing attention.
The reading begins: each participant reads a part of the chapter, at most half a page. The others listen and follow along on their text.
At this stage we fix attention on general comprehension; difficulties can be underlined or noted for later discussion;
First reading stop: general group considerations, both linguistic, general comprehension, then particular (single sentences) and vocabulary, corrections, interpretations; Tutor highlights aspects that participants have missed; comprehension, vocabulary, functions, communication.
Start again from step 3 with a new reader.
Learning objects
Audio reading of selected pages or complete reading, by chapter (tutor)
Audio reading by the participant
Videos related to the theme, places and situations of the novel
Video and audio linked to linguistic (vocabulary, descriptions) and cultural (historical situation, context) themes
Newspapers and magazines
Levels & Mode:
A weekly meeting of 2 hours
The guided reading, in group or individual, of an Italian novel, or part of it, is intended for participants who have a knowledge of the Italian language of at least a full A2 level (pre-intermediate)
IN PERSON or ONLINE or in BLENDED LEARNING: in person and online, according to the time and place requirements of the participants
Right now we are reading
“Il giudice delle donne” by Maria Rosa Cutrufelli - Frassinelli Editore
1906, Montemarciano, Region of Marche, Italy: a movement of women, mainly school teachers, claim to be registered in the electoral lists. Newspapers begin to talk about it, public opinion divides.
Novels read and in progress
Reading fiction means getting in touch with the most intimate aspects of the Italians' character and their cultural roots, their moods, their way of seeing the world. From late 2019.